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Rev'd Janet Park, Circuit Superintendent

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Reverend Janet Park, Circuit Superintendent

Responsible for the oversight of the Circuit

I was born and educated in Lancaster, getting my first part-time job as a petrol pump attendant before leaving school to work full-time for a High Street Bank. When we moved to Windermere, I spent some time working for the same bank in Ambleside, Hawshead and Bowness. The Christian faith and Methodism in particular has been a vital part of my life for as long as I can remember: badminton, choir, sponsored walks and numerous 'bring & share' meals formed a significant part of our extended family.

When I married Brian in Ambleside, we returned to live in the Lancaster area and took on responsibilities in the local Methodist Church; as our children grew, those duties developed from organising the village toddler group, through running the after school club and eventually worship leading for the Sunday morning service. From there, I began to train as a Local Preacher and once that course was completed, God nudged me some more- and the rest, as they say is history!

Brian and I moved to Conwy in August and I have served as Superintendent here since September 2019. We enjoy walking our two Golden Retrievers along the estuary and in the hills- occasionally joining the Tuesday coffee morning in Conwy to socialise and gain even more admirers.

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Registered Charity no. 1132560

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01492 860439
07792 414836 (emergencies only)

Conwy and Prestatyn Methodist Circuit
53-55 Mostyn Street
LL30 2NN

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© 2024 – Conwy and Prestatyn Methodist Circuit