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Old Colwyn Methodist Church

Old Colwyn Methodist Church is a welcoming and supportive church
in the village of Old Colwyn. The congregation is open to a range of worship
styles. We occasionally have a band with piano, guitars and drums.

The church building includes two halls – the millennium and
Cadwgan Halls and the millennium Hall has recently been refurbished. We are an
active part of the Old Colwyn "Churches Together "an ecumenical committee that
organises joint events such as the Good Friday "Walk of Witness", the Village
Carol service, etc.

We host many weekly events for the church and the local
community, such as Bible Studies, Ladies Fellowship, Coffee and Chat and Prayer
Fellowship. Fitness and slimming groups also use our premises as well as Brownies,
Circle Dancing and Dog Training. We are proud to play a large part of the local
community and host an Art group on Monday and Friday afternoons.

A prize-winning garden has been developed on our grounds with
the National Autistic Society and the R.H.S and plans are now in place to
develop the south – side lawn into an orchard and butterfly meadow with funding
from an external grant. Please do come along and see us, you'll be made most
Please see our latest newsletter on the News Section of our circuit website.

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Trinity Methodist Church, Prestatyn

Pendre Avenue, Prestatyn, LL19 9SH


Dec 27th, 10:45 am – Rev'd Eleanor Reddington

Jan 3rd, 10:45 am – Rev'd Chris Gray (Section Service)

Jan 10th, 10:45 am – Rev'd Beverley Ramsden

Jan 17th, 10:45 am – Dr Zoya Zuvcenko

Quick Links

Registered Charity no. 1132560

Get In Touch
01492 860439
07792 414836 (emergencies only)

Conwy and Prestatyn Methodist Circuit
53-55 Mostyn Street
LL30 2NN

Circuit Map

© 2025 – Conwy and Prestatyn Methodist Circuit