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Conwy and Prestatyn
Methodist  Circuit

St. John's Methodist Church, Conwy

The Church stands within the Historic walled town of Conwy. The town hosts festivals and events through the year such as: The Seed and Honey fairs, Food Festival, Conwy Half Marathon, Celtic Torchlight Parade Pirate Festival, Bluegrass festival and Christmas even Community carols, fireworks and Santa's visit to the castle. All these events give opportunities for community outreach activities from the church.

The church employs one full time and one part time children and families worker and activities include Sunday club, Messy church, parent and toddler group, beavers, Cubs and Scouts, Brownies, Luncheon club, House group, Ladies circle and a weekly coffee morning and Fair trade stall as well as a Meditation service.

We are part of Conwy Cytun (Churches together) and work closely with St. Mary's, Church in Wales. For the last 2 years we have run 3 day missions together for children and families which are very successful. Our children and families workers regularly take assemblies at the local primary school and are involved in the Christian union at the high school. We hold a monthly prayer group at the church at the church for the high school. St. John's is a very welcoming church family, used to receiving visitors throughout the year.

You can also view services that have been live streamed by clicking here. Services you can view at home

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Trinity Methodist Church, Prestatyn

Pendre Avenue, Prestatyn, LL19 9SH


Dec 27th, 10:45 am – Rev'd Eleanor Reddington

Jan 3rd, 10:45 am – Rev'd Chris Gray (Section Service)

Jan 10th, 10:45 am – Rev'd Beverley Ramsden

Jan 17th, 10:45 am – Dr Zoya Zuvcenko

Quick Links

Registered Charity no. 1132560

Get In Touch
01492 860439
07792 414836 (emergencies only)

Conwy and Prestatyn Methodist Circuit
53-55 Mostyn Street
LL30 2NN

Circuit Map

© 2024 – Conwy and Prestatyn Methodist Circuit